Unexpected token < error in react router component

The "unexpected token" error can show up for a number of different reasons. I ran into a similar problem, and in my case the problem was that the script tag to load the generated bundle in the html was like so:

<script src="scripts/app.js"></script>

When navigating to a route with a parameter (same thing will happen to a nested route or a route with more than one segment), browser would try to load the script using the wrong url. In my case the route path was 'user/:id', and the browser made a request to '' instead of ''. The solution was easy, change the script tag to this:

<script src="/scripts/app.js"></script>

If anyone else is having this problem, please check your devtools network tab for server responses. The reason behind the error message is that you are trying to load a javascript/json file and an html file was returned (possibly an error message).

HTML files start like this normally:

<!doctype html>

The browser sees the first < and gets confused because this is not valid JavaScript so prints out the error message:

SyntaxError: Unexpected token <

So in the above case, when the OP requested a wrong filename, he got an error page back (in HTML) which lead to that error.

Hope that helps someone else :)

Had the same error as well when using React-Router properties after adding the "/:uid" to edit relative path in my code:

<Route path="/edit/:uid" component={EditPage}/>

The problem was caused in my index.html where I load my main reference to my compiled javascript file bundle.js.

I switched:

        <script src="./bundle.js"></script>


        <script src="/bundle.js"></script>

And it immediately solved the problem.