How to mock an activatedRoute parent Route in angular2 for testing purposes?

Let's say I have this

export class QuestionnaireQuestionsComponent {

    questions: Question[] = [];
    private loading:boolean = true;

        private route: ActivatedRoute,
        public questionnaireService:QuestionnaireService) {}

                this.questions = questions;
                this.loading = false;


My component is actually working pretty well. Problem is that I want to unit test it but I can't figure out how to mock the this.route.parent object. Here's my test that fails

    route = new ActivatedRoute();
    route.parent.params = Observable.of({id:"testId"});

    questionnaireService = jasmine.createSpyObj('QuestionnaireService', ['getQuestionsForQuestionnaire']);
    questionnaireService.getQuestionsForQuestionnaire.and.callFake(() => Observable.of(undefined));
    component = new QuestionnaireQuestionsComponent(route, questionnaireService);

describe("on init", ()=>{
    it("must call the service get questions for questionnaire",()=>{

The test fails with this error

TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'this._routerState.parent') 

Using TestBed

 beforeEach(async(() => {
      declarations: [YourComponent],
      imports: [],
      providers: [
          provide: ActivatedRoute, useValue: {
            params: Observable.of({ id: 'test' })

AcitvatedRoute is an interface according to angular2 docs, so what I did is implements a MockActivatedRoute

import {Observable} from 'rxjs';
import {Type} from '@angular/core';
import {ActivatedRoute,Route,ActivatedRouteSnapshot,UrlSegment,Params,Data } from '@angular/router';

export class MockActivatedRoute implements ActivatedRoute{
    snapshot : ActivatedRouteSnapshot;
    url : Observable<UrlSegment[]>;
    params : Observable<Params>;
    queryParams : Observable<Params>;
    fragment : Observable<string>;
    data : Observable<Data>;
    outlet : string;
    component : Type<any>|string;
    routeConfig : Route;
    root : ActivatedRoute;
    parent : ActivatedRoute;
    firstChild : ActivatedRoute;
    children : ActivatedRoute[];
    pathFromRoot : ActivatedRoute[];
    toString() : string{
        return "";

and just replace the ActivatedRoute in my tests for MockActivatedRoute like this

    route = new MockActivatedRoute();
    route.parent = new MockActivatedRoute();
    route.parent.params = Observable.of({id:"testId"});

    questionnaireService = jasmine.createSpyObj('QuestionnaireService', ['getQuestionsForQuestionnaire']);
    questionnaireService.getQuestionsForQuestionnaire.and.callFake(() => Observable.of(undefined));
    component = new QuestionnaireQuestionsComponent(route, questionnaireService);

For anyone new to this question the angular docs cover this scenario.

As per documentation above:

Create ActivatedRouteStub class to be used as test double for ActivatedRoute

import { ReplaySubject } from 'rxjs/ReplaySubject';
import { convertToParamMap, ParamMap, Params } from '@angular/router';

 * An ActivateRoute test double with a `paramMap` observable.
 * Use the `setParamMap()` method to add the next `paramMap` value.
export class ActivatedRouteStub {
  // Use a ReplaySubject to share previous values with subscribers
  // and pump new values into the `paramMap` observable
  private subject = new ReplaySubject<ParamMap>();

  constructor(initialParams?: Params) {

  /** The mock paramMap observable */
  readonly paramMap = this.subject.asObservable();

  /** Set the paramMap observables's next value */
  setParamMap(params?: Params) {;

And then use the stub in the test class as follows:

activatedRoute.setParamMap({ id: '1234' });

To customize a mocked ActivatedRoute's data inside each 'it' block, combine what Kevin Black suggested above

beforeEach(async(() => {
      declarations: [YourComponent],
      imports: [],
      providers: [
          provide: ActivatedRoute, useValue: {
            queryParams: of({ id: 'test' })

and the below code in the it('') block before instantiating a component using fixture.detectChanges()

it('test', fakeAsync(() => {
  let activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute = fixture.debugElement.injector.get(ActivatedRoute);
  activatedRoute.queryParams = of({ firstName: 'john', lastName: 'smith' });

  fixture.detectChanges(); // trigger ngOninit()