How to add an extra row to a pandas dataframe [duplicate]

Solution 1:

Try this:


Warning: this method works only if there are no "holes" in the index. For example, suppose you have a dataframe with three rows, with indices 0, 1, and 3 (for example, because you deleted row number 2). Then, len(df) = 3, so by the above command does not add a new row - it overrides row number 3.

Solution 2:

Upcoming pandas 0.13 version will allow to add rows through loc on non existing index data. However, be aware that under the hood, this creates a copy of the entire DataFrame so it is not an efficient operation.

Description is here and this new feature is called Setting With Enlargement.

Solution 3:

A different approach that I found ugly compared to the classic dict+append, but that works:

df = df.T

df[0] = ['1/1/2013', 'Smith','test',123]

df = df.T

       Date   Name Action   ID
0  1/1/2013  Smith   test  123