Solution 1:

One thing we did in the Olden Days... go to the library. Another was... write to the author.

Solution 2:


Actually, I just took a stab at searching again, and came up with this PDF, by Moree, with same title...hope it helps...(I love researching stuff!) Here's what might be the paper you're looking for (same author, title as the article you're looking for): arXiv: Moree, pdf.

Of course, you may still want a copy of the published article, and if not available at your university, requesting an inter-library loan (photocopy of published article) would be your best bet. In the meantime, you can peruse the arXiv article?

You can find the article at SpringerLink here. There, the article of interest is available to individuals for purchase, though it would be worth checking if your Uni has institutional access if you can wait!

Also, I've had good luck with Google, Google Scholar, authors webpages...emailing author (yes it works, I've had wonderful encounters that way!).

UPDATE 2: Please be sure to scroll down to read J.M.'s "process" post; it's worth the read in terms of approaching a search for academic publications!

Solution 3:

Here's the method I used for this search. Most of the time, it works; although I kept hitting dead ends in this case :( , I hope that similar methods might help people wishing to do journal searches.

One particularly good search engine I use when presented with the name of a journal is JournalSeek. (There is also OJOSE, but I've personally found it cumbersome to use.) In this case, typing expositiones mathematicae netted this page, which links to the archives of Elsevier.

If I hadn't known about the exact name of the journal and only had the abbreviation Exposition. Math. to start with, I'd have used JAS. (The ads are bothersome, sure, but it's free!) This nets me the name I can now give to JournalSeek.

Most of the time, I get to the paper's source with this approach. Unfortunately, our luck runs out here upon looking at ScienceDirect, since only volumes 19 and onward are in digital format. :( (Maybe somebody can bug Elsevier to finish digitizing their archives for this journal... ;) )

So the publisher's site was a dead end. We try searching for web pages of the authors. Some legwork through Google netted this page and this page for Moree. His coauthor, Cazaran, does not seem to have a current web page, even after I tried searching under her new surname, Vertigan. LinkedIn points to her being at LSU, but she does not have a web page there.

Proceeding with Moree's home page, his new home page gives a PDF listing his complete work, but nothing before 2000. Checking his old page links to a page where the required article might be, but we luck out here and the link's kaput. As a last resort, we try checking the Wayback Machine, in the hopes that their crawler managed to grab something before that page went kaput. We see here the page, and it looks as if there used to be a DVI of that paper. Unfortunately the links to the DVI here do not work. (Most times, though, the Wayback Machine manages to grab PDF/PS/DVI/whatever files, unless a robots.txt file with the appropriate lines was in place.)

So, this particular paper chase ended up as a wash, but the tools I have linked to above have been particularly helpful in most other cases.