How can I disable scrolling between windows if my mouse is in the xfce panel?

My frustration is that after selecting a window button on my panel (Xubuntu 12.04), if I don't move my cursor away from the window buttons and begin scrolling (intending to scroll the content within the window), the windows manager cycles through all of the open windows.

How do I disable the window button scrolling feature?

I have tried looked in Windows Manager Settings, Windows Manager Tweaks Settings, Panel Settings, Windows Button Settings and xfwm4 settings in the Settings Editor but couldn't find anything to change it.

Online, the closest thing I have found is this libwnck-noscroll ppa. Despite the fact that it said it was made for older distros, I tried it and it didn't work. Is anyone aware of another fix?

Solution 1:

This can be changed, but the toggle is really well hidden.

Right click on the panel, select "Panel" then "Panel Preferences".

enter image description here

Switch to the "Items" tab, select the "Window Buttons" item in the list and click the wrench icon.

enter image description here

Then uncheck "Switch windows using the mouse wheel"

enter image description here

You're done!