Can I reinstall Starcraft 2 on Windows using the key from my Mac?

I want to buy StarCraft 2, but have one question.

Currently I have an iMac and I know I can install SC2 on it.

My problem is that later I want to sell this Mac and buy a PC.

Will I be able to install it on my future Windows box and run it with the same key without paying additionally? (I will not be using the Mac anymore).


Solution 1:

The answer is yes, you will be able to install Starcraft II on any future box you have.

Soon after you purchase Starcraft II, you will link your key to your account. If you don't have a account yet, you will have to create one. You must link your key to play the game.

Once your account is linked, you never need your key again. What's more, you don't even need the install disc again, as you can download the entire game client off the site. The disc itself is just a convenient way to install the game; I myself bought it and didn't even use it. The same is now true for any PC Blizzard game released in the past 12 years, including Diablo 2 and the original Starcraft.

What's more, for Starcraft II your match history, achievements, and current campaign progress will also transfer because it's stored on the server. There may be some stuff like Replays which won't transfer over to your new box, but for the most part you will be playing the game where you left off.

The only way you could hose yourself here is by somehow losing access to your account, for example by forgetting your password or permanently losing your internet connection. I'd recommend against that.

Solution 2:

Yes, you will be able to re-install it on Windows later. The DVD in the box contains both the Mac and Windows versions of the game. It also ties Starcraft 2 to your account, allowing you to also download the client too.

One other thing to mention is that your campaign progress and versus stats are also tied to your account, so when you switch computers you won't lose everything that you've already done in the game.