document.getElementById vs jQuery $()

Solution 1:

Not exactly!!

document.getElementById('contents'); //returns a HTML DOM Object

var contents = $('#contents');  //returns a jQuery Object

In jQuery, to get the same result as document.getElementById, you can access the jQuery Object and get the first element in the object (Remember JavaScript objects act similar to associative arrays).

var contents = $('#contents')[0]; //returns a HTML DOM Object

Solution 2:


Calling document.getElementById('id') will return a raw DOM object.

Calling $('#id') will return a jQuery object that wraps the DOM object and provides jQuery methods.

Thus, you can only call jQuery methods like css() or animate() on the $() call.

You can also write $(document.getElementById('id')), which will return a jQuery object and is equivalent to $('#id').

You can get the underlying DOM object from a jQuery object by writing $('#id')[0].

Solution 3:

Close, but not the same. They're getting the same element, but the jQuery version is wrapped in a jQuery object.

The equivalent would be this

var contents = $('#contents').get(0);

or this

var contents = $('#contents')[0];

These will pull the element out of the jQuery object.

Solution 4:

A note on the difference in speed. Attach the following snipet to an onclick call:

function myfunc()
    var timer = new Date();
        for(var i = 0; i < 10000; i++)

    console.log('timer: ' + (new Date() - timer));

Alternate commenting one out and then comment the other out. In my tests,

document.getElementbyId averaged about 35ms (fluctuating from 25ms up to 52ms on about 15 runs)

On the other hand, the

jQuery averaged about 200ms (ranging from 181ms to 222ms on about 15 runs).

From this simple test you can see that the jQuery took about 6 times as long.

Of course, that is over 10000 iterations so in a simpler situation I would probably use the jQuery for ease of use and all of the other cool things like .animate and .fadeTo. But yes, technically getElementById is quite a bit faster.