In JavaScript, how to conditionally add a member to an object?

Solution 1:

I think @InspiredJW did it with ES5, and as @trincot pointed out, using es6 is a better approach. But we can add a bit more sugar, by using the spread operator, and logical AND short circuit evaluation:

const a = {
   ...(someCondition && {b: 5})

Solution 2:

const obj = {
   ...(condition) && {someprop: propvalue},

Live Demo:

const obj = {
  ...(true) && {someprop: 42},
  ...(false) && {nonprop: "foo"},
  ...({}) && {tricky: "hello"},


Solution 3:

In pure Javascript, I cannot think of anything more idiomatic than your first code snippet.

If, however, using the jQuery library is not out of the question, then $.extend() should meet your requirements because, as the documentation says:

Undefined properties are not copied.

Therefore, you can write:

var a = $.extend({}, {
    b: conditionB ? 5 : undefined,
    c: conditionC ? 5 : undefined,
    // and so on...

And obtain the results you expect (if conditionB is false, then b will not exist in a).

Solution 4:

With EcmaScript2015 you can use Object.assign:

Object.assign(a, conditionB ? { b: 1 } : null,
                 conditionC ? { c: 2 } : null,
                 conditionD ? { d: 3 } : null);

var a, conditionB, conditionC, conditionD;
conditionC = true;
a = {};
Object.assign(a, conditionB ? { b: 1 } : null,
                 conditionC ? { c: 2 } : null,
                 conditionD ? { d: 3 } : null);


Some remarks:

  • Object.assign modifies the first argument in-place, but it also returns the updated object: so you can use this method in a bigger expression that further manipulates the object.
  • Instead of null you could pass undefined or {}, with the same result. You could even provide 0 instead, because primitive values are wrapped, and Number has no own enumerable properties.

Even more concise

Taking the second point further, you could shorten it as follows (as @Jamie has pointed out), as falsy values have no own enumerable properties (false, 0, NaN, null, undefined, '', except document.all):

Object.assign(a, conditionB && { b: 1 },
                 conditionC && { c: 2 },
                 conditionD && { d: 3 });

var a, conditionB, conditionC, conditionD;
conditionC = "this is truthy";
conditionD = NaN; // falsy
a = {};
Object.assign(a, conditionB && { b: 1 },
                 conditionC && { c: 2 },
                 conditionD && { d: 3 });