What phrase, word, or idiom means the opposite of "going down the rabbit hole?"

I often catch myself going down the rabbit hole, skimming one Wikipedia article... then suddenly it's two hours later and I have ten tabs open about a crazy assortment of subjects.

The Free Dictionary provides the following definition but doesn't offer its antonym.

go down the rabbit hole
To enter into a situation or begin a process or journey that is particularly strange, problematic, difficult, complex, or chaotic, especially one that becomes increasingly so as it develops or unfolds. (An allusion to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.)

Question: What's the opposite of that?

Staying focused, keeping on track, skimming, just addressing the obvious?


I know this is a bit odd.

I would suggest the phrase:

Taking the blue pill

It's a reference to the Matrix. Red pill refers to the cold hard truth. In the case of the Matrix, it meant that they lived in a simulation. It is one tough pill to swallow.

The blue pill, on the other hand, is the easy truth everyone wants to believe. An example would be the belief that we all have a soulmate and we are destined to meet them.


claw your way out of [insert whatever you want here]


Coming back to reality

Hit the bullseye

to achieve the best result possible

(link to one of many sites explaining this)

First, there is an implied goal lost when you fall down that rabbit hole, because you can't go off track without being on a track to somewhere in the first place.

I'm not comfortable with stay on target as an answer, because you can always lose focus and fall down a rabbit-hole anytime. Being down a rabbit-hole suggests the situation is irretrievably lost. After all, Alice only got out of her predicament by waking up.

So, the opposite of that would need to imply completing your task in the best possible way.

A slightly less intense version of this would be get it done, or as Larry the Cable Guy would be apt to say, "Get 'er dun!"

I have had difficulty in finding reputable sources for some of the specific expressions I list below, partly because of their appropriation into songs that are apparently popular with some users of the Internet. Suggestion are therefore welcome.

If one considers the ‘opposite’ as meaning resisting the temptation to go down the ‘rabbit hole’, then:

Stepping back from the abyss


Not harkening to the siren song

might approximate, although what one is resisting has darker connotations than complexity and difficulty.

If one views the ‘opposite’ as emerging from a ‘rabbit hole’, then the phrases that occur include:

Coming out at the other side


Emerging into the daylight

and, of course:

Waking from the nightmare

After all, it was just a dream.

More mundane, although perhaps none the worse for that, would be

Back to the old routine

Less neutral is:

Making it through the night

Those of a literary inclination may find:

Being “Recalled to life” (Dickens, Tale of Two Cities)

appealing; but it has perhaps too much moral baggage.