What is a verb for "speak honestly"?

What is a verb to describe someone speaking honestly? Instead of "Joe speaks honestly about today", I'd like to say "Joe honests about today". But an actual, real word.

Solution 1:

From MW:


intransitive verb

1 : to make a solemn declaration under oath for the purpose of establishing a fact (as in a court)
2 a : to make a statement based on personal knowledge or belief : bear witness
2 b : to serve as evidence or proof
3 : to express a personal conviction

Solution 2:

Joe levels about today.

The New Oxford American Dictionary defines this like so:

4 [ no obj. ] (level with) informal be frank or honest with (someone): when are you going to level with me?

(Note that "level with" is a common usage for this definition, but it is not a set phrase; this is a definition for the word "level," not an idiom.)

This is the only word I can think of that really does mean just that.

Most other words suggested signify that the speaker claims his statements are true, but they don't imply at all that they really are true. "Avow, testify, aver, affirm"—all are closer synonyms of "declare" or "assert."

Interesting that there are so few verbs that really mean "to tell the truth" but there are plenty that mean "to say one is telling the truth."

Related words that are other parts of speech include (adjectives) candid, frank, honest; and (nouns) candor, frankness, honesty.

Solution 3:


Assert or confess openly ODO.

"He avowed that he had voted Labour in every election."

Avow has the connotation of speaking frankly.

Avouch is another verb meaning to affirm or assert but avouch is no longer in common use.

Solution 4:

Joe opened up about today.

From an understanding that when someone "speaks honestly" they speak from their heart.


dictionary.com isn't aware of this usage of 'opened up'. Cambridge dictionary defines it as:

to talk about your personal thoughts or feelings

Merriam-Webster is a bit vague with their definition:

to become communicative

As a note, this may not be a good answer, just an answer - someone may be speaking the truth without involving their feelings.

Solution 5:


to declare positively

From: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/aver

Mr. Murray avers that many large organizations in the private sector are run by curmudgeons like him … — Joseph Epstein