How to add random delays between the queries sent to Google to avoid getting blocked in python

I have written a program which sends more than 15 queries to Google in each iteration, total iterations is about 50. For testing I have to run this program several times. However, by doing that, after several times, Google blocks me. is there any ways so I can fool google maybe by adding delays between each iteration? Also I have heard that google can actually learn the timesteps. so I need these delays to be random so google cannot find a patter from it to learn my behavior. also it should be short so the whole process doesn't take so much. Does anyone knows something, or can provide me a piece of code in python? Thanks

First, Google probably are blocking you because they don't like it when you take too many of their resources. The best way to fix this is to slow it down, not delay randomly. Stick a 1 second wait after every request and you'll probably stop having problems.

That said:

from random import randint
from time import sleep


will sleep a random number of seconds (between 10 and 100).

Best to use:

from numpy import random
from time import sleep

sleeptime = random.uniform(2, 4)
print("sleeping for:", sleeptime, "seconds")
print("sleeping is over")

as a start and slowly decreasy range to see what works best (fastest).