Dependency injection with unique_ptr to mock

Solution 1:

Not something I would recommend in production environment actually, but aliasing constructor of shared_ptr represents maybe a dirty and working solution for your case.
A minimal, working example (that doesn't use gtest, sorry, I'm from mobile app and can't test it directly):


struct IBar {
    virtual ~IBar() = default;  
    virtual void DoSth() = 0;

struct Bar : public IBar {
    void DoSth() override { std::cout <<"Bar is doing sth" << std::endl;};    

struct Foo {
    Foo(std::unique_ptr<IBar> bar) : bar(std::move(bar)) {}

    void DoIt() {
    std::unique_ptr<IBar> bar;

int main() {
    std::unique_ptr<Bar> bar = std::make_unique<Bar>();
    std::shared_ptr<Bar> shared{std::shared_ptr<Bar>{}, bar.get()};
    Foo foo{std::move(bar)};

I guess your test would become something like this:

struct BarMock: public IBar {
    MOCK_METHOD0(DoSth, void());

struct FooTest : public testing::Test {
    FooTest() {
        std::unique_ptr<BarMock> bar = std::make_unique<BarMock>();
        barMock = std::shared_ptr<BarMock>{std::shared_ptr<BarMock>{}, bar.get()};
        out = std::make_unique<Foo>{std::move(bar)};

    std::shared_ptr<BarMock> barMock;
    std::unique_ptr<Foo> out;

TEST_F(FooTest, shouldDoItWhenDoSth) {
    EXPECT_CALL(*barMock, DoSth());

What does the aliasing constructor do?

template< class Y > 
shared_ptr( const shared_ptr<Y>& r, element_type *ptr );

The aliasing constructor: constructs a shared_ptr which shares ownership information with r, but holds an unrelated and unmanaged pointer ptr. Even if this shared_ptr is the last of the group to go out of scope, it will call the destructor for the object originally managed by r. However, calling get() on this will always return a copy of ptr. It is the responsibility of the programmer to make sure that this ptr remains valid as long as this shared_ptr exists, such as in the typical use cases where ptr is a member of the object managed by r or is an alias (e.g., downcast) of r.get()

Solution 2:

You can keep a reference to the mocked object before passing it to the constructor. I think it makes the code a tad bit brittle, due to member initialization ordering, but it is clearer semantically what it means. Ownership of BarMock still belongs solely to Foo, with a reference handle kept by FooTest (similar to this answer).

Basically the same as your answer, but using reference instead of a raw pointer

class FooTest : public ::testing::Test
        FooTest() :
        // This must be declared before bar_mock due to how member initialization is ordered
        std::unique_ptr<BarMock> bar_mock_ptr; // moved and should not be used anymore
        BarMock& bar_mock;
        Foo foo; //ensure foo has the same lifetime as bar_mock