How to make a variadic macro for std::cout?

You do not need preprocessor macros to do this. You can write it in ordinary C++. In C++11/14:

#include <iostream>
#include <utility>

void log(){}

template<typename First, typename ...Rest>
void log(First && first, Rest &&
    std::cout << std::forward<First>(first);

int main()
    log("Hello", "brave","new","world!\n");
    log("1", 2,std::string("3"),4.0,'\n');

Live demo

In C++17:

template<typename ...Args>
void log(Args && ...args)
    (std::cout << ... << args);

is all it takes. Live demo



Research variadic templates, parameter packs and fold expressions rather than variadic macros, which are rarely useful in modern C++.

When using variadic macros you need __VA_ARGS__ to expand all the arguments. The problem however is that those arguments are comma-separated. Presumabely it just separates arguments to a function call, but since macros works with just text you can actually use __VA_ARGS__ in other contexts as well, where a comma-separated list makes sense.

The trick you can employ is to define your own comma operator for std::ostream (the type of std::cout). For example:

#define LOG(...) std::cout , __VA_ARGS__ , std::endl

template <typename T>
std::ostream& operator,(std::ostream& out, const T& t) {
  out << t;
  return out;

//overloaded version to handle all those special std::endl and others...
std::ostream& operator,(std::ostream& out, std::ostream&(*f)(std::ostream&)) {
  out << f;
  return out;

int main() {
  return 0;

Now, the LOG invocation will expand to:

std::cout , "example" , "output" , "filler" , "text" , std::endl;

and the commas will invoke the overloaded comma operators.

If you don't like overloaded operator, polluting all std::ostream-s, you can encapsulate std::cout with your own special logger class.

Not sure there is any way of defining a variadic macro in C++ (at least, not a portable way). Why don't you use a variadic template approach? Something like

#include <iostream>

void LOG() {}

template<typename Head, typename... Args>
void LOG(const Head& head, const Args&... args )
    std::cout << head << " ";

int main()
    LOG("This", "is" , "the", 3, "rd test");