Relationship between paper and pencil markings on it

I'm looking for a word that describes the relationship between a piece of paper and pencil marks drawn on it. Ideally, the word could be used to describe the same type of relationship between a canvas and paint, photograph paper and ink, and so on. However, the word should not imply containing — it should be strictly for things on the outside of these objects. This word should not be used to describe the relationship between a computer and its software or stored data, and the relationship between a VCR tape and its stored data.

Example Sentence:

"All files, documents, or other written, photographic, or other tangible material __________ proprietary information, shall be the property of the Company."

[ __ NOT ‘containing’__ ]

Alternatively, if there is no word that can describe this relationship, I'm looking for a different phrasing that would allow such a description.

The best I can come up with is hold. Does the paper hold the pencil marks on it? Does a canvas hold paint? It still doesn't sound quite right. Contain is a synonym of hold, but that doesn't sound right either.

Related: Does the usage of "material" imply that this is only for things that are most similar to paper or canvas, and can be written on, as opposed to "storing" information, thereby limited the application of this word to things other than complex technology?

Bearing, as participle of the verb "bear" ...

1.2 Have or display as a visible mark or feature.

‘many of the papers bore his flamboyant signature’