IF function in Excel not returning correct value

Can you help me with this formula?

enter image description here

It is returning 0 value despite me wanting it to return the 1000 from C6

enter image description here

The provided information makes it look like the value "Yes" is in column D (and so Emily's comment about hidden columns!) and so the formula would likely fail as the hint of graphic makes it clear the cell in the next column is not "Yes".

Emily's other point, about merged cells, could also be at work here as a right-aligned "Yes" in column D of merged columns D & E could be thought of by someone new to merged cells as being in column E since it looks like it must be column E. But is would be in D10, not E10, and E10 would actually be blank, something done by the merging process, so a FALSE would be returned.

The formula is returning a 0 because it is evaluating as FALSE: not because the C6 cell has a numerical value of 0 because to this formula it doesn't. Firstly, the apparent number formatting (second PNG) is easily achieved by $* #,##0.00 and similar versions, the key being the $* at its start, so the alignment of the number is not likely evidence of the value seen being formatted as text. And in any case, even a Text formatting would still allow a return as the simple formula has no issue returning text instead of a number: in other words, it would NOT return a 0 simply because the value found was formatted as text.

Honestly, it seems very likely that there are no merged cells or hidden columns, but simply the "Yes" is actually in column D, as it would look in the PNG's, and so the value to its right is E10 and since that clearly does not look like a "Yes" the formula returns FALSE quite correctly. Second most likely seems like it would be Emily's thought about merged cells combined with a mistake somewhat natural for a new user of merged cells.