Files Larger Than 4GB Are Not Transferring To Hard Drive?

Moving things from my laptop to a 1TB hard drive. Stops at any file larger than 4GB saying that that there isn't enough space on the hard drive.

I checked the formatting on my hard drive and it is NTFS. I thought this was only a problem with FAT32 drives?

I'm running Windows 7 x64

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Solution 1:

Firstly I'm going to second what vembutech advises. I have seen a couple of situations where formatting once more solved issues not unlike yours. If that doesn't work:

  • Are you using 3rd party software to move files? For example, Explorer++, Cubic Explorer, MultiCommander? If so, try moving the files using Microsoft's built in Windows Explorer.

  • It is also possible that the real-time scanning feature of your antivirus or antimalware software trips over when a move-in-progress gets past the 4GB mark. Try temporarily disabling all real-time scanning/services and try move the files again.

The 4GB limit is something I have to deal with all the time in my own coding projects (it actually takes a fair bit of understanding and care) and I wouldn't be surprised if some commercial software is not up to par in that respect.