How to use Object.values() on server side in Node.js

Solution 1:

Object.values is a new feature in ES2017. It is very bleeding edge. Node.js has full support for it from version 7.0.

6.8.1 supports it, but it is considered unstable and is locked behind the --harmony flag.

You can either:

  • Upgrade to the latest Node.js LTS and use --harmony
  • Upgrade to the latest Node.js Current
  • Use a polyfill

Solution 2:

Object.values() is in status "Draft" for the version ECMAScript2017 and here the specification: ECMAScript 2017 Draft (ECMA-262) The definition of 'Object.values' in that specification..

The Object.values() method returns an array of a given object's own enumerable property values, in the same order as that provided by a loop (the difference being that a for-in loop enumerates properties in the prototype chain as well).

Without change nothing in your NodeJS enviroment you can achive the same by using Object.keys() that returns an array of keys and chaining a method to return the desired array of the Object's values:

const obj = { 
    foo: "bar", 
    baz: 42 
  // Object.values()
  objValues = Object.values(obj),
  // Object.keys() and map(),
  objKeysMap = Object.keys(obj).map((k) => obj[k]);

console.log('objValues:', objValues);
console.log('objKeysMap:', objKeysMap);

Solution 3:

Lodash is a pretty awesome tool to simplify your JavaScript code. You can use _.values:

var _ = require('lodash');
_.values({ a: 'a' }) // => ['a']