Turn off server manager on login

I found this blog post by Alen Siljak which describes how you can keep it from starting when logging on. There are two different methods to solve the problem. The first and most simple is a checkbox in the Server Manager itself. The second involves modifying the registry, which can be used to automate and script the process for a large number of servers.

  1. UI Method - In the "Server Manager" program there is the "Server Summary -> Computer Information" section. At the bottom of the section there is a checkbox "Do not show me this console at logon". Check this box and exit the program and at next log on you will not see the Server Manager.

  2. Registry Method - Go to the registry editor and HKLM\Software\Microsoft\ServerManager and set the variable DoNotOpenServerManagerAtLogon to 1. Then go to another entry at HKCU\Software\Microsoft\ServerManager and set the CheckedUnattendLaunchSetting to 0 (Note that this will only set it for the current user). After logging out and logging back on you should no longer see the server manager.

This behavior can also be suppressed with Group Policy. From The Server Manager Main Window on TechNet:

The Do not show me this console at logon check box in the Computer Information section lets administrators prevent Server Manager from opening automatically when they log on to the computer, if they do not need to see Server Manager at every logon. This behavior can also be controlled by the Group Policy setting Local Computer Policy/Computer Configuration/Administrative Templates/System/Server Manager/Do not display Server Manager automatically at logon.

On our server, start Server Manager, at top near right pick "Manage", then "Server Manager Properties", and on that screen, check "Do not start Server Manager automatically at logon".

Using skeletank's registry recommendations I created a reg file for the purpose. It is really simple to use either from batch or just manually.

Just make a text file with .reg extension and copy-paste the next:


