NGINX is not forwarding a header value when using proxy_pass

I have the following setup and configured to send all /api requests to a different server:

location /api {
    proxy_pass    ;
    rewrite                 ^/api/(.*)              /$1     break;

My app sends a header (USER_CUSTOMER), when communicating directly with from the app it works, but when requesting through the proxy server, the value appears NULL on the API Server.

The following works in NGINX, but I need the App to be able to set the value of USER_CUSTOMER.

location /api {
    proxy_pass    ;
    proxy_set_header        USER_CUSTOMER           ABC;
    rewrite                 ^/api/(.*)              /$1     break;

I may have additional headers to send in the future, so I'm hoping there is a flag to pass all headers from the proxy to the API Server.


The header attribute USER_CUSTOMER is invalid syntax. Underscores are not valid in header attributes.

There is a workaround but best solution is to rewrite the attribute to valid syntax.

Workaround is to set the following where you specify the server name in config:

underscores_in_headers on;

I think you are looking for proxy_pass_request_headers option. Set it to on:

location /api {
    proxy_pass_request_headers      on;
    proxy_pass            ;
    proxy_set_header                USER_CUSTOMER              ABC;
    rewrite                         ^/api/(.*)                 /$1     break;