How to implement memmove in standard C without an intermediate copy?

From the man page on my system:

void *memmove(void *dst, const void *src, size_t len);

The memmove() function copies len bytes from string src to string dst.
The two strings may overlap; the copy is always done in a non-destructive

From the C99 standard: When two pointers are compared, the result depends on the relative locations in the address space of the objects pointed to. If two pointers to object or incomplete types both point to the same object, or both point one past the last element of the same array object, theycompare equal. If the objects pointed to are members of the same aggregate object, pointers to structure members declared later compare greater than pointers to members declared earlier in the structure, and pointers to array elements with larger subscript values compare greater than pointers to elements of the same array with lower subscript values. All pointers to members of the same union object compare equal. If the expression P points to an element of an array object and the expression Q points to the last element of the same array object, the pointer expression Q+1 compares greater than P. In all other cases, the behavior is undefined.

The emphasis is mine.

The arguments dst and src can be converted to pointers to char so as to alleviate strict aliasing problems, but is it possible to compare two pointers that may point inside different blocks, so as to do the copy in the correct order in case they point inside the same block?

The obvious solution is if (src < dst), but that is undefined if src and dst point to different blocks. "Undefined" means you should not even assume that the condition returns 0 or 1 (this would have been called "unspecified" in the standard's vocabulary).

An alternative is if ((uintptr_t)src < (uintptr_t)dst), which is at least unspecified, but I am not sure that the standard guarantees that when src < dst is defined, it is equivalent to (uintptr_t)src < (uintptr_t)dst). Pointer comparison is defined from pointer arithmetic. For instance, when I read section 6.5.6 on addition, it seems to me that pointer arithmetic could go in the direction opposite to uintptr_t arithmetic, that is, that a compliant compiler might have, when p is of type char*:


This is only an example. Generally speaking very little seems to be guaranteed when converting pointers to integers.

This is a purely academic question, because memmove is provided together with the compiler. In practice, the compiler authors can simply promote undefined pointer comparison to unspecified behavior, or use the relevant pragma to force their compiler to compile their memmove correctly. For instance, this implementation has this snippet:

if ((uintptr_t)dst < (uintptr_t)src) {
             * As author/maintainer of libc, take advantage of the
             * fact that we know memcpy copies forwards.
            return memcpy(dst, src, len);

I would still like to use this example as proof that the standard goes too far with undefined behaviors, if it is true that memmove cannot be implemented efficiently in standard C. For instance, no-one ticked when answering this SO question.

Solution 1:

I think you're right, it's not possible to implement memmove efficiently in standard C.

The only truly portable way to test whether the regions overlap, I think, is something like this:

for (size_t l = 0; l < len; ++l) {
    if (src + l == dst) || (src + l == dst + len - 1) {
      // they overlap, so now we can use comparison,
      // and copy forwards or backwards as appropriate.
      return dst;
// No overlap, doesn't matter which direction we copy
return memcpy(dst, src, len);

You can't implement either memcpy or memmove all that efficiently in portable code, because the platform-specific implementation is likely to kick your butt whatever you do. But a portable memcpy at least looks plausible.

C++ introduced a pointer specialization of std::less, which is defined to work for any two pointers of the same type. It might in theory be slower than <, but obviously on a non-segmented architecture it isn't.

C has no such thing, so in a sense, the C++ standard agrees with you that C doesn't have enough defined behaviour. But then, C++ needs it for std::map and so on. It's much more likely that you'd want to implement std::map (or something like it) without knowledge of the implementation than that you'd want to implement memmove (or something like it) without knowledge of the implementation.

Solution 2:

For two memory areas to be valid and overlapping, I believe you would need to be in one of the defined situations of That is, two areas of an array, union, struct, etc.

The reason other situations are undefined are because two different objects might not even be in the same kind of memory, with the same kind of pointer. On PC architectures, addresses are usually just 32-bit address into virtual memory, but C supports all kinds of bizarre architectures, where memory is nothing like that.

The reason that C leaves things undefined is to give leeway to the compiler writers when the situation doesn't need to be defined. The way to read is a paragraph carefully describing architectures that C wants to support where pointer comparison doesn't make sense unless it's inside the same object.

Also, the reason memmove and memcpy are provided by the compiler is that they are sometimes written in tuned assembly for the target CPU, using a specialized instruction. They are not meant to be able to be implemented in C with the same efficiency.

Solution 3:

For starters, the C standard is notorious for having problems in the details like this. Part of the problem is because C is used on multiple platforms and the standard attempts to be abstract enough to cover all current and future platforms (which might use some convoluted memory layout that's beyond anything we've ever seen). There is a lot of undefined or implementation-specific behavior in order for compiler writers to "do the right thing" for the target platform. Including details for every platform would be impractical (and constantly out-of-date); instead, the C standard leaves it up to the compiler writer to document what happens in these cases. "Unspecified" behavior only means that the C standard doesn't specify what happens, not necessarily that the outcome cannot be predicted. The outcome is usually still predictable if you read the documentation for your target platform and your compiler.

Since determining if two pointers point to the same block, memory segment, or address space depends on how the memory for that platform is laid out, the spec does not define a way to make that determination. It assumes that the compiler knows how to make this determination. The part of the spec you quoted said that result of pointer comparison depends on the pointers' "relative location in the address space". Notice that "address space" is singular here. This section is only referring to pointers that are in the same address space; that is, pointers that are directly comparable. If the pointers are in different address spaces, then the result is undefined by the C standard and is instead defined by the requirements of the target platform.

In the case of memmove, the implementor generally determines first if the addresses are directly comparable. If not, then the rest of the function is platform-specific. Most of the time, being in different memory spaces is enough to ensure that the regions don't overlap and the function turns into a memcpy. If the addresses are directly comparable, then it's just a simple byte copy process starting from the first byte and going forward or from the last byte and going backwards (whichever one will safely copy the data without clobbering anything).

All in all, the C standard leaves a lot intentionally unspecified where it can't write a simple rule that works on any target platform. However, the standard writers could have done a better job explaining why some things are not defined and used more descriptive terms like "architecture-dependent".