Mysterious Reply-To Header in Apple Mail

Solution 1:

So with a bit of help the problem was tracked down to an interaction between SIP (System Integrity Protection), terminal, and Apple Mail.

Here's what was going on:

  • Due to SIP the Terminal app did not have access to Mail's defaults file: ~/Library/Containers/
  • As a result, the defaults program was unable to read the defaults settings that was actually using.
  • Instead of reporting an error when trying to access the it reported that the "The domain/default pair of (, UserHeaders) does not exist."

The big clue was that defaults read returned nothing.

The fix was to allow the full disk access in System Preferences (in Security & Privacy > Privacy > Full Disk Access). Then you restart

After that defaults works as expected and

defaults delete User-Headers

solved the problem – since I didn't have any other User-Headers set.