react Material-ui, How do I know I can use onClick for button?

Solution 1:

The Material-UI documentation does not list the standard React (native browser) events:

This is because it's expected that you are already aware of the available native events. For example, you can also use onWheel. It would be a long and redundant list if all the native events were included.

As kouak explains, other props (such as onClick) are passed down to a relevant child component.

Random example:

<Button color="primary" onClick={() => { console.log('onClick'); }}>

Solution 2:

You can add an wrapper over the <IconButton/> to get the onClick event.


render() {
  return <div class="font-icon-wrapper" onClick={this.fontIconClick}>
    <IconButton iconClassName="muidocs-icon-custom-github" />

This should definitely work...

Solution 3:

Remember, you can use onClick in every singe component that have a DOM renderer since it is a native React event (It doesn't have to be a button component).

Example 1:

  onClick={() => {
    alert("✔️ This works on every component!");
  Click me!

Example 2:

onClick possibilities

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Edit onClick for every component