Stop an insolent narwhal from "correcting" monitor brightness?

I want total absolute control over the brightness of my laptop's screen. I want Natty to fear my wrath should it dare to presume my desire. Natty's light adjusting minions should quake in terror before my sword, apt-get purge!

But alas, this sword cuts an arm where I'd prefer lobotomy. I need a scalpel, some precise tool to cut into Natty's brain and enforce my will. Does such a tool exist? Is there known to the citizens of Ubuntu a method to restore my sovereign power?

Further investigation reveals Natty only auto-dims the screen when running loose on battery power. Chain the beast to an electrical outlet and it is tamed.

I see these two screens in Natty's Power Management, neither appear relevant:

Power Management Preferences - On AC PowerPower Management Preferences - General

You write much, and well, but say little :-p

What is your problem you wish to solve, exactly? As far as I know, the gnome power manager is the place that controls the brightness depending on things like are you connected to AC or not. There are also knobs in there for how long to wait before dimming the display, or not at all.

Press Super and type in "power", only one app will show up, there's the extent of the brightness control.

@ppetraki's answer, while not fully sufficient, is a boon. If it is Gnome Power Manager that controls such things, then it is Gnome Power Manager that is defective. Revised search terms tell tale of similar woes in Maverick Meerkat. The solution then, as I find now, is hacking Unity with gconftool-2:

gconftool-2 --set --type boolean  "/apps/gnome-power-manager/backlight/enable" false

I'm not fully satisfied with this. Surely I'm not the only one confounded by this behaviour, and surely it would make sense to include such an option in the Power Manager gui. But at least the option exists somewhere, and Natty Narwhal's obnoxious behaviour is restrained.