How to list all available Kafka brokers in a cluster?

I am writing a shell script to monitor kafka brokers.

I have gone through some links and found that if ZooKeeper contains a list of brokers, and if, in this list, the IP address is present, then a kafka broker is running.

I want a command that I can use in my shell script to get the broker list and check whether kafka is running.

Is there any curl command to get the kafka cluster status like elasticsearch?

Solution 1:

This command will give you the list of the active brokers between brackets:

./bin/ localhost:2181 ls /brokers/ids

Solution 2:

Alternate way using Zk-Client:

If you do not prefer to pass arguments to ./ and want to see the broker details from Zookeeper CLI, you need to install standalone Zookeeper (As traditional Kafka do not comes up with Jline JAR).

Once you install(unzip) the standalone Zookeeper,then:

  • Run the Zookeeper CLI:
    $ zookeeper/bin/ -server localhost:2181 #Make sure your Broker is already running

  • If it is successful, you can see the Zk client running as:


WatchedEvent state:SyncConnected type:None path:null
[zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 0]
  • From here you can explore the broker details using various commands:

$ ls /brokers/ids # Gives the list of active brokers
$ ls /brokers/topics #Gives the list of topics
$ get /brokers/ids/0 #Gives more detailed information of the broker id '0'