How can I install a two disk game with Wine?

With Wine, you must enter BOTH discs before launching the installation, because Wine only reads what was already mounted when it started. It's the same reasoning when you change a program's configuration file (like .js, .ini, or whatever that's is not in the GUI options), it has to be restarted to apply the changes.

Solution 1) Insert both discs then launch the installation.

Solution 2) If you have only one disc-tray (or cd-drive), or if you don't want to restart the installation :

  • Create a new directory somewhere (I'll name it DISC2 but you do what you want):

    mkdir ~/DISC2

  • Copy the CD's content into the new directory with drag-and-drop or commandline (replace /path/to/cd by the path to your mounted CD):

    cp -r /path/to/cd ~/DISC2

  • Under Wine, point the DISC-2 path to ~/DISC2

If you have 2 CDs, then copy each image/CD into a folder separately and name them 'a' and 'b' (for simplicity). After configuring your wine wrapper, install the game normally and select the setup file in 'a'. When the installer prompts you for the second CD, just change 'a' to 'b' and that should do. Hope it helps :).