How to add annotations to captured variables or delegated objects in Kotlin?

Create a named class:

fun myFunc(someObj: SomeObj, update: Boolean): SomeObj {
    class SomeObjSubclass(someObj: SomeObj, @Transient val update: Boolean):
        SomeObj(someObj.prop1, someObj.prop2, /* and so on*/), SomeInterface {
        override fun doUpdate() = update
    return SomeObjSubclass(someObj, update)

Notice that myFunc is now merely a wrapper for SomeObj. Depending on your design, you could just make myFunc the SomeObj subclass instead:

class MyFunc(someObj: SomeObj, @Transient val update: Boolean):
        SomeObj(someObj.prop1, someObj.prop2, /* and so on*/), SomeInterface {
    override fun doUpdate() = update

Callers would call MyFunc(...) as if it were a function, and they would receive something assignable to SomeObj, just like before.

You can also add a secondary constructor to SomeObj that takes a SomeObj, and copy the properties there

constructor(someObj: SomeObj): this(
    someObj.prop1, someObj.prop2, /* and so on */

Then the declaration of MyFunc can just be:

class MyFunc(someObj: SomeObj, @Transient val update: Boolean):
        SomeObj(someObj), SomeInterface {
    override fun doUpdate() = update