Word for thinking something is happening when it's not
Feeling imaginary symptoms is a kind of delusion.
2 [UNCOUNTABLE] MEDICAL a mental condition in which you believe things that are not true
Such a condition is a psychogenic disease.
psychogenic [sahy-kuh-jen-ik] adjective Psychology. having origin in the mind or in a mental condition or process: a psychogenic disorder.
From dictionary.com
EDIT (by third party):
As m69 points out in a comment below, the word psychosomatic is often used to refer to physical symptoms with psychogenic components. From the Wikipedia article on Psychosomatic medicine:
Psychiatry traditionally distinguishes between psychosomatic disorders, disorders in which mental factors play a significant role in the development, expression, or resolution of a physical illness, and somatoform disorders, disorders in which mental factors are the sole cause of a physical illness.
Thus, somatoform disorder describes the condition of physical symptoms arising from purely psychological origins. This has been known in prior years as a somatization disorder.
The word would be illusory.
Definition of illusory (taken from Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
: based on or producing illusion : deceptive illusory hopes