I can't change my desktop background-image for my macbook air

I'm trying to change the background-image from my MacBook Air background, but it won't change it. I try to click on the image I want from my pictures and it makes it seem like it worked but then it hasn't changed. I tried restarting my computer but it still does not do anything. I also tried changing to one of the defaults apple has but it won't change to one of those either.

Solution 1:

Might be corrupted desktop preferences...

Make following steps:

  • Open the Finder

  • From the Finder Menu Bar click Go > Go to Folder

  • Paste the following in this field: ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.finder.plist

Click Go then move the com.apple.finder.plist file to the trash.

Restart your MacBook Air, then select a desktop background photo from System Preferences > Desktop & Screen Saver > Desktop and then it should work.