Where did these missing OS X application icons go?

On my Mac mini, app icons have gone missing for some apps (Terminal, Chrome, Spotify, Skype) from the Dock and elsewhere.

See a screenshot of the Dock. When I hover over the empty spots, I can see the names of the apps and launch them normally.

And here's one of the app switcher (it was kind of challenging to take this with cmd-shift-3, btw):

alt text

I don't remember doing anything special to make OS X lose the icons.

At first I thought it was some temporary glitch, but logging out & back in didn't help, and neither did rebooting the machine.

Upgrade from 10.6.4 to 10.6.5 didn't improve the situation either. Anyone have ideas how I could fix this?

Solution 1:

If restarting and all that doesn't help, here's how i fixed mine.

  1. Open finder.
  2. Go to /Applications.
  3. Drag the offending application to the desktop to create a shortcut.
  4. Shortcut should have the proper icon.
  5. Right click shortcut and click on Get info.
  6. Click on the icon on the top left of the info view. Example:

    See Example

  7. When icon is selected (blue highlight), hit Cmd+C to copy it. Example:

    See example

  8. Delete shortcut (not necessary).

  9. Go back to /Applications in finder.
  10. Right click on the offending application.
  11. Click Get info.
  12. Notice the place where the icon should be Top left.
  13. Click on that location to highlight it.
  14. Press Cmd+V

You should now see your icon again.

Tip: This method can also be used to change any icon to something else and customise your Mac !

Solution 2:

For me, the problem was with Terminal.app. It was an app I had set to "Keep in dock". What happened was the icon for Terminal.app started displaying on the dock and in the Cmd-Tab panel as the default icon:

enter image description here

What I had to do to get the original icon back was, while the app was opened, right click on the dock icon and select "Options -> Keep in Dock" and remove the checkmark, then I followed the same procedure selecting "Keep in Dock" again to get the checkmark back.

enter image description here

After that, I got the familiar Terminal icon back.