make, gcc and other developer tools unavailable after installing XCode on Lion

I installed XCode after I upgraded to OS X Lion, I downloaded XCode from the App Store. gcc, make and such are still not found and I cannot compile anything from source because of this. I did a find / -name make and it looks like it found something:

/Developer/Library/Xcode/Project Templates/Framework & Library/JNI Library/make

What's going on here? Is this normal?

Is /Developer/usr/bin in your PATH variable?

You could try ln -s /Developer/usr/bin/make /usr/bin/make

Make sure that your system's $PATH has been updated. If you had a terminal window open before you installed, and are using the same one now that you have Xcode installed, open a new one and let it run through .bashrc/.bash_profile/etc again to update the path. If you know the specific file that the $PATH variable lives in on your system, you can also just run source on that file.

If that doesn't work, you can manually add the path that the find command finds these tools at (should be /Developer/usr/bin) to your $PATH inside ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile (depending on how your bash files are configured — mine has everything in ~/.bashrc but I've customized them heavily).