Share internet connection from a PC to an iPhone through the USB cable

This works well for iOS 10 and macOS 10.12:

  • Can I share my iMac's internet to iPhone or iPad over USB??

You're not the first to ask this question. Searching with Google shows that it's been discussed here and here.

Unfortunately, iOS 9 and earlier do not support what you're describing.

You mention that you don't have a wireless card but perhaps you can share your internet connection wirelessly, through an Ad-Hoc network. I think that's the best way to go, honestly.

This doesn't work for internet:

[PC] --->--(USB)--->--> [iOS Device]

But this probably would, since the iOS device doesn't care, for the most part, where the WiFi is coming from:

[PC] --->--(WiFi)--->--> [iOS Device]

So, you might consider grabbing a wireless card for your PC. Alternatively, a jailbroken iPhone might be able to get more mileage with a USB cable than a vanilla one would.

With the standard iOS Version: NO

But if your iPhone is jailbroken, this may/could work for you: Use PC Internet over IPhone via USB Cable