How to make folders 00-99 with a single command in Ubuntu?

I need to create folders starting from 00 to 99 (00, 01, 02, 03, etc....) in several hundred places. Is there a single line command that will let me do that?

Solution 1:

mulaz's answer is correct, but many people say seq is evil beacuse most shells will let you do the following

mkdir {00..99}

However in some older versions of bash, 0-9 arent padded, so you would have to do

mkdir 0{0..9} {10..99}

Solution 2:

Will this do?

for i in `seq -w 0 99`; do mkdir $i; done

does a loop for numbers 0-99, and "-w" sets the equal width (0 padding for 0-9)