Can awk be used instead?

I would like to get the number from rating as output from this

# nc localhost 9571 
session-with-name:Ubuntu Classic (No effects):gnome-session --session=2d-gnome
session-with-name:Ubuntu (Safe Mode):gnome-session -f --session=2d-gnome
session-with-name:Ubuntu Classic:gnome-session --session=classic-gnome

I can do it like this

# nc localhost 9571 | grep rating | cut -d: -f2

but could awk be used instead for a simpler solution?

Solution 1:

$ nc localhost 9571 | awk -F: '/rating/ { print $2 }'

Solution 2:

Quanta beat me to it, but I'll include a sed variant if you're that way inclined:

nc localhost 9571 | sed -ne 's/^rating://p'

Ditto what MadHatter said, though. Your current solution is perfectly sound. (Although I'd grep for "^rating:" rather than just the word to ensure you only get the line you want.)

Solution 3:

You can also just use the shell:

nc localhost 9571 | 
while IFS=: read key val; do [[ $key = "rating" ]] && echo "$val"; done

Solution 4:

yes, you can (and should) use (one) awk instead of (two) grep and cut:

$ nc localhost 9571 | awk -F: '/^rating:/ { print $2 }'

Be sure to match you line as good as you can to avoid ugly bugs.

  • /rating/ works,
  • /^rating/ is better (safer),
  • /^rating:/ is best (in this case).

Solution 5:

It can:

nc localhost 9571  | awk -F: '{ if ($1 == "rating") print $2 }' 

(I don't know what you're doing with localhost above, so used your output as input to my awk command, then replaced the "cat" with "nc ..." - but it should be fine.)

But why would you do this? The UNIX way is to have lots of small tools, each of which does one thing well, strung together via pipelines, rather than using larger multifunction tools. You need to select a single matching line, the select one field therefrom: grep selects lines with matches, and cut selects fields from input lines; they're perfect for the task. But if you really do want to do it all-in-one with awk, well, there you go.