npm update does not do anything

The npm update --dd output says why at the end:

...not updating @angular/common because it's currently at the maximum version that matches its specified semver range

Look at this specific package, angular/common. You have it set to 2.0.0, which means npm will always fetch that specific version. If you want the package to update, you need to use a semver range. You can view a comprehensive list of semver ranges here, but the most commonly used are probably ~ and ^.

~ means that the patch version will update. So if you have version ~1.2.1, it will update to any 1.2.x, but never to 1.3.0.

^ updates the minor version, so if you have ^1.2.1, it will update to any 1.x.x release, but never to 2.0.0.

If npm [-g] outdated shows outdated packages outside of the semver range (e.g. a major update), the update command cannot be used to update these packages.

To install the latest version, explicitly specify the package with

npm install [-g] <package>