How to auto join my hidden SSID home network from my iPhone on iOS5 [closed]

Ever since upgrading to iOS 5 my iPhone(s) have problems auto joining my home wifi network.

They seem to auto join it for a few days and then it just stops working. The phone can still see the wifi networks if I go to settings->Wi-Fi, and once I do it will even auto-join it after a few seconds. However; it only remains connected for a few minutes and then disconnects.

The only solution I've found so far is switching my Router's channel from auto to a specific number. That works for a few days and then stops working again, if i bump the channel number in either direction it then works for a few more days.

This was a problem with my iPhone 4 after upgrading to iOS 5 and has been a problem with my iPhone 4s since purchase.

My (original) iPad has no issues and remains connected regardless of what I do to the router channel.

Apple recommends not using hidden SSID's. There's no security in hiding them and as you have found out, it causes a problem with iOS devices discovering and joining the network after they come out of sleep mode.