In-App Purchases stuck in "Missing Metadata" state

I am trying to set up in-app purchases but I don't know how to get rid of the "Missing Metadata" shown below.

The only yellow dot I see from the page is the "Localizations" section, but I completed the "Display Name" and "Description".

I don't know what else I can do or what I am doing wrong.

Missing Metadata (yellow dot)

Missing Metadata (yellow dot)

Solution 1:

Add any type of screenshot of the app here. Then Save and submit. It should work.

enter image description here

Solution 2:

I had the same issue with a renewable subscription. Near the top of iTunes page, just below your image that says "Missing Metadata," I saw this:

Before you can submit.... Add localizations

I clicked on "Add Localizations" which took me to the group. There is a broad frame instructing you to click somewhere else. Click on the little blue circled plus to the right of "Localizations."

After selecting the language I filled in "Subscription Group Display Name" and saved. The IAP status immediately changed to "Ready to Submit."

Solution 3:

Although the UI doesn't indicate it, a screenshot is required to submit your IAP for approval.

A screenshot of the product as it appears on the device. This screenshot is used for Apple’s review only and is not displayed on the App Store.

Screenshots requirements are outlined below:

  • iOS requires at least 640 x 920 pixels.
  • tvOS requires 1920 x1080 pixels.
  • macOS requires 1280 x 800 pixels.


The screenshot requirements are also inaccurate, for example a screenshot taken on a iPhone 11 is not accepted even though it clearly meets the stated requirements. iPhone SE 2 screenshots are accepted.

Solution 4:

Any 1024x768 png image file added to the screenshot in Review Information has solved the issue