How can I query a value in SQL Server XML column

I have following XML stored in a XML column (called Roles) in a SQL Server database.


I'd like to list all rows that have a specific role in them. This role passed by parameter.

  Roles.value('(/root/role)[1]', 'varchar(max)') like 'StringToSearchFor'

In case your column is not XML, you need to convert it. You can also use other syntax to query certain attributes of your XML data. Here is an example...

Let's suppose that data column has this:

<Utilities.CodeSystems.CodeSystemCodes iid="107" CodeSystem="2" Code="0001F" CodeTags="-19-"..../>

... and you only want the ones where CodeSystem = 2 then your query will be:

  CAST([data] as XML).value('(/Utilities.CodeSystems.CodeSystemCodes/@CodeSystem)[1]', 'varchar(max)') = '2'

These pages will show you more about how to query XML in T-SQL:

Querying XML fields using t-sql

Flattening XML Data in SQL Server


After playing with it a little bit more, I ended up with this amazing query that uses CROSS APPLY. This one will search every row (role) for the value you put in your like expression...

Given this table structure:

create table MyTable (Roles XML)

insert into MyTable values

We can query it like this:

select * from 

       pref.value('(text())[1]', 'varchar(32)') as RoleName
       MyTable CROSS APPLY

       Roles.nodes('/root/role') AS Roles(pref)
)  as Result

where RoleName like '%ga%'

You can check the SQL Fiddle here:!18/dc4d2/1/0

declare @T table(Roles xml)

insert into @T values

declare @Role varchar(10)

set @Role = 'Beta'

select Roles
from @T
where Roles.exist('/root/role/text()[. = sql:variable("@Role")]') = 1

If you want the query to work as where col like '%Beta%' you can use contains

declare @T table(Roles xml)

insert into @T values

declare @Role varchar(10)

set @Role = 'et'

select Roles
from @T
where Roles.exist('/root/role/text()[contains(., sql:variable("@Role"))]') = 1

if your field name is Roles and table name is table1 you can use following to search

DECLARE @Role varchar(50);
SELECT * FROM table1
WHERE Roles.exist ('/root/role = sql:variable("@Role")') = 1

I came up with a simple work around below which is easy to remember too :-)

select * from  
(select cast (xmlCol as varchar(max)) texty
 from myTable (NOLOCK) 
) a 
where texty like '%MySearchText%'