Status code in nginx try_files directive

Solution 1:

Your examples have infinite loop.

Probably, you want something like this:

error_page 404 @error404;
error_page 500 @error500;
error_page 503 @error503;

location @error404 {
    root /path_to_static_root/;
    try_files /$host/404.html /404.html =404;

location @error500 {
    root /path_to_static_root/;
    try_files /$host/500.html /500.html =500;

location @error503 {
    root /path_to_static_root/;
    try_files /$host/503.html /503.html =503;

..and it will work faster then with variables.

NGINX FAQ: Is there a proper way to use nginx variables to make sections of the configuration shorter, using them as macros for making parts of configuration work as templates?


The community wiki is not documentation. From the official documentation:

$status - response status (1.3.2, 1.2.2)
