How can I change MariaDB to MySQL in XAMPP?

Solution 1:

Running XAMPP with MySQL

Here are exact step by step instructions for truly integrating MySQL into XAMPP on Windows. This has been successfully tested with Windows 10 and XAMPP 7.3.11 for both MySQL 8.0.18 and 5.7.28.

  • Stop MySQL (which actually is MariaDB) in the XAMPP Control Panel.
  • Download the MySQL community server as zip archive (Windows 64 bit version)
  • Rename C:\xampp\mysql to C:\xampp\mariadb
  • Extract the downloaded zip archive to C:\xampp\mysql. Make sure you extract the folder level which has the subfolders bin, include, lib etc.
  • Copy C:\xampp\mariadb\bin\my.ini to C:\xampp\mysql\bin
  • Open C:\xampp\mysql\bin\my.ini in an editor and comment out the line starting with key_buffer= in the [mysqld] section.
  • Open a command prompt and run the following commands:

    For MySQL 8.0.18:

    cd C:\xampp\mysql
    bin\mysqld --initialize-insecure
    start /b bin\mysqld
    bin\mysql -u root
        CREATE USER pma@localhost;
        SOURCE C:/xampp/phpMyAdmin/sql/create_tables.sql;
        GRANT SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, ALTER ON phpmyadmin.* TO pma@localhost;
        ALTER USER root@localhost IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY '';
        ALTER USER pma@localhost IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY '';
    bin\mysqladmin -u root shutdown

    For MySQL 5.7.28:

    cd C:\xampp\mysql
    bin\mysqld --initialize-insecure --log_syslog=0
    start /b bin\mysqld --log_syslog=0
    bin\mysql -u root
        CREATE USER pma@localhost;
        SOURCE C:/xampp/phpMyAdmin/sql/create_tables.sql;
        GRANT SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, ALTER ON phpmyadmin.* TO pma@localhost;
    bin\mysqladmin -u root shutdown
  • Start Apache and MySQL in the XAMPP Control Panel.

  • Go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin and verify that your database server is now reported as MySQL Community Server.

Solution 2:

You can use the following way.

  1. Stop MariaDB in Xampp which show as mysql running...
  2. Download the installer for windows mysql Installer
  3. Follow the instruction.
  4. Now start Apache2 and clear cookie in your browser. Now you can see phpmyadmin and workbench showing Server type: MySQL

If you want to stick to MariaDB then you can use sqlyog also.

Hope it answer your question

Solution 3:

You have to do little adjustment with xampp in order to use MySQL instead of MariaDB . I just did following and its worked , i think it may helpful to others also.

  1. Download and install mysql installer.

2.stop xampp and rename the mysql folder inside the xampp directory(may be its not necessary! )

3.just start Apache only from xampp control panel . No need to start mysql.

4.Last step . Make sure your running MySQL in your system . That's it ..

Check php admin panel there you can see Server type: MySQL instead of MariaDB ...


Solution 4:

I just upgraded XAMPP because of PHP 7. I am also using mysql workbench. I want to be as close to production as I can, but my webhoster supports only mysql. These where my reasons to switch back from mariadb to mysql

I followed these steps: (also max 5min)