Improve WPF DataGrid performance

Solution 1:

There are a few options you can turn on to help you on your DataGrid object

EnableColumnVirtualization = true
EnableRowVirtualization = true

These two are the main ones I think might help. Next try making your binding async

ItemsSource="{Binding MyStuff, IsAsync=True}"

And lastly, I've heard that setting a maximum height and width can help even if it above the max screen size, but I didn't notice a difference myself (claim had to do with auto size measuring)


Also never put a DataGrid in a ScrollViewer, because you will essentially lose virtualization. Let me know if this helps!

Solution 2:

Check if you have property ScrollViewer.CanContentScroll set False. Setting this property to false disables the virtualization in a way will degrade the performance of your Data-grid. For more clarification refer this CanContentScroll

Solution 3:

Set the DataGrid.RowHeight value and that will make a huge difference.

I know this is a really old question, but I just came across it, and this was the biggest difference on my end. My default height was 25.