iOS 10 "Starting WebFilter logging for process" + Proxy-Authorization header removed from request

Solution 1:

If you want to remove the message on the XCode’s console then, please find the below steps.

Select Product => Scheme => Edit Scheme or use shortcut : CMD + <
Select the Run option from left side.
On Environment Variables section, add the variable OS_ACTIVITY_MODE = disable

Solution 2:

Check the site with Chrome Developer Tools and you will most likely find a warning like Mixed Content: The page at '...' as loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure resource '...'. This content should also be served over HTTPS.

According to Apple the "Content Security Policy (CSP) support" in Safari 10 "has been enhanced by including version 2.0 of the standard." It seems that this includes iOS 10 as well.

Have a look here about the CSP levels:

Solution 3:

I was facing the same problem, the reason at my case was,I had tried to open video of .webm extension in iframe.When I changed extension of video from .webm to .mov or .mp4 the issue was solved.