Vendor code 17002 to connect to SQLDeveloper [closed]

I'm trying to connect to a database using SQLDeveloper and I get the following error:

An Error was Encountered performing The requested operation:

IO Error: Conection reset

Vendor code 17002.

Could you please help me?

Listed are the steps that could rectify the error:

  1. Press Windows+R
  2. Type services.msc and strike Enter
  3. Find all services starting with ora start these services and wait!!
  4. When your server specific service is initialized (in my case it was orcl)
  5. Now run mysql or whatever you are using and start coding.P

I encountered same problem with ORACLE 11G express on Windows. After a long time waiting I got the same error message.

My solution is to make sure the hostname in tnsnames.ora (usually it's not "localhost") and the default hostname in sql developer(usually it's "localhost") same. You can either do this by changing it in the tnsnames.ora, or filling up the same in the sql developer.

Oh, of course you need to reboot all the oracle services (just to be safe).

Hope it helps.

I came across the similar problem again on another machine, but this time above solution doesn't work. After some trying, I found restarting all the oracle related services can fix the problem. Originally when the installation is done, connection can be made. Somehow after several reboot of computer, there is problem. I change all the oracle services with start time as auto. And once I could not connect, I restart them all over again (the core service should be restarted at last order), and works fine.

Some article says it might be due to the MTS problem. Microsoft's problem. Maybe!