What is the word to describe a situation where one makes a big deal out of things that can be done with little effort? [closed]

"Making a mountain out of a molehill"

An idiom referring to over-reactive, histrionic behaviour where a person makes too much of a minor issue.

Source: Wikipedia

"to over-egg"

in phrase over-egg the pudding: Go too far in embellishing, exaggerating, or doing something. ‘if you're telling fibs, keep them simple—never over-egg the pudding’ https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/over-egg

example: "I think he's over-egging it!"

A hoo-ha, from the Oxford English Dictionary

A commotion, a rumpus, a row.

The OED gives several examples; the one most pertinent to the OP's question is:

1971 Country Life 27 May 1328/2 Some of these lovely irises may..be grown..successfully without much hoo-ha.

Merriam-Webster says:

great excitement or concern about something.

An example, which I made up, of the usage the OP is looking for:

Sandy made a big hoo-ha about preparing dinner, but all she did was microwave a frozen pizza and open a bottle of wine.