How to set the path of “Application Finder” in Xfce?

In Xfce, Alt-F2 opens a dialog "Application Finder" (xfce4-appfinder -c). How to customize the $PATH of Xfce's session that is used for auto-completing and running the command?

(It's not the $PATH of .profile or .bashrc)

I'm a bit late to the party, but for some reason Appfinder was finding things in my customized $PATH for a long time, before suddenly it stopped some time ago.

So, if you're using xinit, then put a file into /etc/X11/Xsession.d/ before the 55xfce4-session file. Like this:

/etc/X11/Xsession.d$ cat 49add-user-path 
[ -d "$HOME/bin" ] && PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"

And log out, log in, and $PATH is propagated nicely among running components.

Xfce does not check .profile, and .bashrc is only used for interactive bash shells. If you want to add path variables, one way is to add them to ~/.pam_environment. However, the syntax is a little bit different from the usual profile files.

Below is an example to add ~/bin to the path used by Application finder: