Will I be able to use gnome-session-fallback with 14.04?

I am a passionate hater of unity (sorry) and the first thing I did last time with 12.04 was install gnome-session-fallback to get the layout I wanted.

Now I am going to get a new computer soon and want to use the 14.04 for the long term support. However unity is a deal-breaker for me, I will go with Mint before I will put up with unity.

So, the big question is, will gnome-session-fallback be usable with 14.04? I would assume I can (exactly why is the leadership trying to limit my choices?), but this page worries me, as it states the package was removed in 14.04: http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/core/trusty/universe/proposed/gnome-session-fallback

Will I be able to use gnome-session-fallback in Trusty (and presumably later releases)?

Solution 1:

Yes, gnome-session-fallback is still present in the official repositories. gnome-session-fallback is now a meta package that installs gnome-session-flashback, which provides the same functionality. It should work as you expect.

Solution 2:

If you like pure GNOME, why not directly install Ubuntu GNOME? Ubuntu GNOME 14.04 has being granted LTS status and has an active mailing list for you to interact with other users and developers.