Laptop shuts down instead of going to sleep when lid closed

EDIT: Updating to Catalina 10.15.6 seems to have resolved the issue, at least so far. Only had it installed for one evening so I'm not 100% ready to say the issues are resolved

I have a Macbook Pro 16 inch with Catalina installed. It's recently started exhibiting the following behaviour when I try to put it to sleep:

  • When running on battery or standalone AC it sleeps as normal when the lid is closed or when I select sleep from the menu
  • When connected to an OWC dock it sleeps only if the lid is open when I select sleep from the menu
  • When I'm connected to the dock with the lid closed the computer shuts down instead of going to sleep when I select sleep from the menu
  • If I put the computer to sleep when it's docked and then close the lid, it won't wake up until I open the lid

Has anyone else encountered this? How do you fix it?

Solution 1:

The problem seems to have been some kind of issue in OSX 10.15.5. Upgrading to 10.15.6 appears to have resolved the issue.