Where is the private forum for the Universal App Quick Start Program / Developer Transition Kit (DTK)?

I've signed up and been accepted to the Universal App Quick Start Program and received my Apple Silicon Developer Transition Kit.

One of the featured benefits included in the program is access to a private forum:

enter image description here

Private Forums

Ask questions and connect with Apple engineers and other members of the Universal App Quick Start Program.

However, upon receiving my DTK, I cannot seem to find these "Private Forums" anywhere.

The new Apple Developer Forums are arranged under "tags": https://developer.apple.com/support/forums-tags/

But there is no tag listed for the Developer Transition Kit or Universal App Quick Start Program. The closest tag I can find is "Universal Apps" for Apple Silicon.

Where is the private forum for the Universal App Quick Start Program?

This seems to be a common source of confusion:

  • Where is the private DTK forum?

From an Apple ID that has been accepted to the Universal App Quick Start Program, access the Apple Developer Forums.

Click your profile icon at the top right of the screen:

link in forum profile

You should see a link to the private forum:

Developer Forums
Universal App Quick Start

Which links to the forum/tag for the UAQSP/DTK, located here:


Universal App Quick Start
Private forums for program members

Notably, this Universal App Quick Start tag is not included in the list of all forum tags. So it's rather hard to find.