Looking for a verb formed from a plural noun

Almost any singular noun can be verbed, transformed into a verb means to remove (skin), apply (paint), use (bus), or otherwise interact with the noun.

I'm looking for a plural noun that can be verbed. I have only two, frankly terrible, examples:

  • times, which has a very childish sound to my ears
  • mules, which refers to a surgical procedure performed on sheep, and is named for a Dr. Mules, and not the sturdy equine, although I assume the name of the eponymous vet originally derives from that animal.

Is there a true example? Tell me that to cats someone is a thing.

Solution 1:

Yes, there are a few words that are like this, even more if both slang and obscure/obsolete words are included (that's actually most of the list). I found these with an advanced search on OED:

  • balls/bollocks (slang)
  • (de-)pants (slang)
  • discommons (historical & rare)
  • guts (colloquial)
  • quicksticks (slang, rare, & possibly formed from adj not noun)
  • sessions (slang)
  • suds
  • times (there is another, non-colloquial meaning in Building & Surveying)
  • twos (colloquial)

If you include irregular plurals, there is:

  • dice
  • people