Override a method at instance level

Yes, it's possible:

class Dog:
    def bark(self):
        print "Woof"

def new_bark(self):
    print "Woof Woof"

foo = Dog()

funcType = type(Dog.bark)

# "Woof"

# replace bark with new_bark for this object only
foo.bark = funcType(new_bark, foo, Dog)

# "Woof Woof"

You need to use MethodType from the types module. The purpose of MethodType is to overwrite instance level methods (so that self can be available in overwritten methods).

See the below example.

import types

class Dog:
    def bark(self):
        print "WOOF"

boby = Dog()
boby.bark() # WOOF

def _bark(self):
    print "WoOoOoF!!"

boby.bark = types.MethodType(_bark, boby)

boby.bark() # WoOoOoF!!