Conditioning launchd scheduled job on file existence?

We have a scheduled job that we want to run on both our macOS and Linux hosts.

On Linux, with systemd we can just use this:


and the job will only execute if the first file exists, and the second file is absent (so we can pause the scheduled job from running, e.g. if we're testing a new version).

Is there an equivalent on macOS? I've seen others achieve a similar result by using Bash and just running `[[ -f /etc/this_file_must_exist ]] && run_my_job`` but this seems... not to be the ideal way.

launchd.plist's manpage ( -- official link seems down) has KeepAlive but that's for keeping the service up, not preventing it from starting.


Solution 1:

Short answer: Nope.

launchd can start jobs at scheduled times (with the StartCalendarInterval key), when particular files are modified (WatchPaths), or when files appear in a particular directory (QueueDirectories), but it doesn't have a way to test existence of a specific file, nor to combine conditions the way you want to.

So... something like a bash wrapper is what you're looking at. You can either write a bash script and run that with a StartCalendarInterval trigger, or use the ProgramArguments array to embed a miniature script directly in the plist:

    <string>[[ -e /etc/this_file_must_exist ]] && [[ ! -e /etc/skip_if_this_exists ]] && exec /path/to/my_job</string>

Note: I'd recommend running your job from bash with exec; that makes the job replace the shell (rather than running as a subprocess), so launchd can monitor and manage it more directly.